

Here are some useful links. Expect most of it related to linux
as I’m still new to it

  1. AWK Command
    Learn how to use AWK command in linux

  2. GitHub Pages Tutorial (by NetNinja)
    First video I watch to make GitHub pages (although I have yet to use HTML)

  3. Introduction to C languange
    For those who new in C-Programming

  4. FUSE file system DOCS
    Documentation of FUSE in Linux Kernel

  5. CyberSecurity Introduction (by Eli the Computer guy)
    CyberSecurity Introduction

  6. Part 2 of CyberSecurity
    Next part from previous link

  7. git config
    Instruction to setup your gitconfig

  8. linux guide Explain how processor work

  9. Official LFS website Official website to create your own linux from scratch.